Thursday, November 29, 2012


My favorite module would be number 6. Although I am not typically interested in technology and new innovations, I think GoogleGlass is a really really cool concept. I also enjoyed this because the product still has a lot of work to be done on it, so it will be cool to see what the final outcome is. This product is definitely the future of where media technology is heading. Google Glass was fun to explore and I even kept looking up more YouTube videos on the project, which normally I wouldn’t do. I showed these videos in my Media Management class, and everyone also thought this product was pretty cool.


From this new media and marketing class, I have learned such a great deal of knowledge about topics I was interested in, but not necessarily something I would have drove into to see how they worked. Being that I was interested in the topics, I think this made my learning curve higher. I love that each week we have a discussion and can make comments/see what other people are saying about a topic we have discussed. And it is great that we can expand on the topics on our blog, and they are a little more laid back. I know I am continually learning things that I will definitely learn in the future and relate back to further classes, which I already have been doing. The Facebook marketing and ads discussions, I have related to many of my other media classes. I really enjoyed learning about the dot-com bubble and that companies need to be more careful in where they are investing money. This class has helped in developing my knowledge of social media and how to practice and use it more efficiently.  A point that sticks out in my mind is worth of mouth marketing. It is so useful and I have begun using that more in my daily life, I now always read online reviews. I don’t think I have any improvement ideas to make to this class.