Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog assignment 1: Villain

Villain: Count Cruella
This villain is known for stealing grape juice, so now her body has turned purple and she only wears purple clothing. The hue is purple, with a high and low intensity. The image is mostly saturated with a little bit of desaturation throughout. The value of the purple gets very high, almost looking black in some spots. The color scheme in this image is monochromatic. Purple is the specific hue being used, but throughout the image it is saturated differently. Since color schemes are effected by background, if a black object was placed on top of the purple image, the more saturated colors wouldn’t appear to be as dark as they are.

The lighting in this image hides the villains identity which is an important aspect to being a ‘bad guy’. The bright light behind the mans body brings attention to him and gives shape to the mans body, but nothing else can be detected about his appearance. The shadow gives a sense of depth, and creates emotion, making one feel uneasy. The image moves from hard to diffused light, hard being the black shadows, the mans body and the soft light is the ground. The light is moving in a vertical direction.

A villain is someone who always needs to be ready for attack. They should be large and fit. This image displays a square shape, which gives off force and dominance. The lines of his arms, show that he is moving, pushing someone away from him and drawing our focus towards his direction of movement. They are in this position because they are ready for movement and physical contact. The position gives him power. The lighting of the image makes one focus more on the movement of his arms, then of his locked, powerful legs.

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