Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog assignment 2

In the article, Finding your Howl, by Jonathon Flaum, he references a story of a wolf without a howl. In the 1970’s only 14 red wolfs remained in the wild, so they were taken into captivity so they wouldn’t become extinct. As an experiment, the wolves were let back out into the wild to see how they would live, they did fine, minus one thing, they didn’t know how to howl. Mumon decided to go out and find his howl. He only found it once he went out on his own and made his own experiences and gained his freedom.

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”

This quote speaks to me because everyone is always saying “go after your dreams”. I think it is an important aspect to always go after what you desire and live in the moment. If things keep getting put on the back burner, they will never be accomplished.
‘Dream as if you’ll live forever’, in the article Brainwashed by Seth Godin he talks about how worrying and being afraid to do something can lead to goals not getting completed. We’re too worried of being let down or laughed at. This can be why dreams don’t become reality. This quote is painted on one of my walls at home to always have high hopes for myself and don’t stop believing what I am capable of doing. In this major and work force (media) to become high up and be successful and have a known name, it is a goal to complete your dreams. My dreams are to work as a top executive in some type of media business. I know that it takes a long time to get to this point, but I have my whole life. This quote always inspires me to be creative because I know to be successful you have to use your creativity. My dream depends on creativity. For my dreams, I’m going to have to find my ‘howl’. This quote helps me understand that everything doesn’t always happen quickly or right on time, that it takes time and effort for your dreams to become reality. I am going to have to go out in the world and be on my own and go through my own experiences to find my ‘howl’ and complete this dream I have.
‘Live as if you’ll die today’, I feel this part of the quote really goes well with finding a ‘howl’. I think this is saying that every experience needs to be taken advantage of. Mumon in the short story, had to learn from all of his experiences to gain his howl back, and he did that everyday. This quote encourages me to be creative everyday. That to complete my dreams, I am going to have to be creative everyday to get there. Finding my howl will have a price to pay, is it worth it just to complete your dreams? I believe yes because one gains so much more than they are losing. Their is no quick way to get where you want to go and no escape from what we have to do. We are destined to repeat what we do each day, which is not a good thing. ‘Live as if you’ll die today’ is a constant reminder to be creative and do something different each day. “..not be satisfied with achieving anything less than our genuine howl”, this might be the new quote on my wall.

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