Sunday, October 14, 2012



For me, I would open an online store depending on who the target audience is. If it weren’t a clothing store I would definitely make it online. If it were a clothing for an age group around my own, I would make it online as well. I think for an online store to be successful, it has to have a select target audience. Online you are able to see everything available; in mortar store some times they are out of product or only carry it in select store. Online you are able to read the customer reviews of a product and see what other users have said about the product. You can also have more size options and from the reviews, see how the product lasts and wears over time. One disadvantage to an online store is you cannot actually physically see the product or try it on, which is make or break it for some people. Also some things are not returnable. Online shopping is faster and a lot easier than running out to the mall. No, I don’t think brick and mortar stores will be a thing of the past. Mortar store are a social thing as well and people like to physically hold the product they are buying. It makes sense to think they possibly could since the prices are cheaper to operate with an online store, I don’t think they will disappear. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


After reading about blogs, and what is helpful to get more views and clicks on your page, there are many things I would change about mine. First off, I like how my colors stand out and grab the eye but I think I need some pictures to really keep people interested to stay on the page. Depending on what the content would be on my blog, I would probably make the background a little less busy when I am adding the pictures. As far as ads, I would place them around the sides of the blog and a few at the top. I hate when certain blogs have too many ads, and it makes it hard to actually read the information, so I wouldn’t want too many. I am really interested in hair, makeup, and celebrities, so this would most likely be the main focus of content on my page. Saying this, the ads would be relatable. I think Amazon would be a great ad to have on my page, because it continues to draw people to my page. A success blog needs to be organized and easy to use; this would also be two things I would be sure to change to make my blog more marketable. Lastly, I would make sure their was a comment section so people could get involved and say what they like or if any changed would be made. Also people could make comments and others could response, creating conversation.