Sunday, December 9, 2012


The specific new media form I will be analyzing is the music streamer Spotify.  Although I am not one hundred percent I will be researching this company, I want to look into a couple other media forms but I think this will be it. The reason for picking Spotify is that is a very popular online music-streaming site in Europe and was only just brought to the US this past year. Also, the business plan for Spotify is not very successful, they are continuously loosing large sums of money but still continue to stay a running, business. They are a free online music streamer and don’t really charge for their service. I think it would be interesting to look into. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012


My favorite module would be number 6. Although I am not typically interested in technology and new innovations, I think GoogleGlass is a really really cool concept. I also enjoyed this because the product still has a lot of work to be done on it, so it will be cool to see what the final outcome is. This product is definitely the future of where media technology is heading. Google Glass was fun to explore and I even kept looking up more YouTube videos on the project, which normally I wouldn’t do. I showed these videos in my Media Management class, and everyone also thought this product was pretty cool.


From this new media and marketing class, I have learned such a great deal of knowledge about topics I was interested in, but not necessarily something I would have drove into to see how they worked. Being that I was interested in the topics, I think this made my learning curve higher. I love that each week we have a discussion and can make comments/see what other people are saying about a topic we have discussed. And it is great that we can expand on the topics on our blog, and they are a little more laid back. I know I am continually learning things that I will definitely learn in the future and relate back to further classes, which I already have been doing. The Facebook marketing and ads discussions, I have related to many of my other media classes. I really enjoyed learning about the dot-com bubble and that companies need to be more careful in where they are investing money. This class has helped in developing my knowledge of social media and how to practice and use it more efficiently.  A point that sticks out in my mind is worth of mouth marketing. It is so useful and I have begun using that more in my daily life, I now always read online reviews. I don’t think I have any improvement ideas to make to this class.

Sunday, October 14, 2012



For me, I would open an online store depending on who the target audience is. If it weren’t a clothing store I would definitely make it online. If it were a clothing for an age group around my own, I would make it online as well. I think for an online store to be successful, it has to have a select target audience. Online you are able to see everything available; in mortar store some times they are out of product or only carry it in select store. Online you are able to read the customer reviews of a product and see what other users have said about the product. You can also have more size options and from the reviews, see how the product lasts and wears over time. One disadvantage to an online store is you cannot actually physically see the product or try it on, which is make or break it for some people. Also some things are not returnable. Online shopping is faster and a lot easier than running out to the mall. No, I don’t think brick and mortar stores will be a thing of the past. Mortar store are a social thing as well and people like to physically hold the product they are buying. It makes sense to think they possibly could since the prices are cheaper to operate with an online store, I don’t think they will disappear. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


After reading about blogs, and what is helpful to get more views and clicks on your page, there are many things I would change about mine. First off, I like how my colors stand out and grab the eye but I think I need some pictures to really keep people interested to stay on the page. Depending on what the content would be on my blog, I would probably make the background a little less busy when I am adding the pictures. As far as ads, I would place them around the sides of the blog and a few at the top. I hate when certain blogs have too many ads, and it makes it hard to actually read the information, so I wouldn’t want too many. I am really interested in hair, makeup, and celebrities, so this would most likely be the main focus of content on my page. Saying this, the ads would be relatable. I think Amazon would be a great ad to have on my page, because it continues to draw people to my page. A success blog needs to be organized and easy to use; this would also be two things I would be sure to change to make my blog more marketable. Lastly, I would make sure their was a comment section so people could get involved and say what they like or if any changed would be made. Also people could make comments and others could response, creating conversation. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Based on what we have learnt and discussed in module 1 & 2--marketing rules and online social networking, find one example (you can use pictures or videos as supporting materials) that appropriately represents the importance of online media in marketing/ as a successful case using online media in marketing.

While many ads are coming at consumers everyday, it is obvious some do it better than others. Some believe in different marketing techniques to reach the consumers, which some work out better than others. A company that I believe appropriately represents the importance of online media in marketing is Udi's Gluten Free Foods. Once you 'like' the page, they release about one or two things daily that are helpful hints to someone living gluten free. They do not over do the amount of posts they share, so I will not skip over them because I know they are more than just posts to be 'post'. Udi also does a great job in the context of the posts they make. One post is usually a question getting their community involved while the other is helpful tips or recipes. The posts also always have links to the Udi website, bringing more views and consumers to the site. I also believe pictures are a great way to get marketing products sold, which is what they also add in almost every post. Person to person/word of mouth is a marketing tool we discussed in an early module, and Udi uses this. They are always asking the community why they like certain products or what is a favorite product they use. Udi isn't a huge company, which could be part of the reason they have such success on Facebook. They also do not currently have a lot of competitors. All in all, I believe Udi really thrives on online media marketing to get out to their consumers because they do not have really any advertisements besides online. And they are doing a great job with it!