Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Based on what we have learnt and discussed in module 1 & 2--marketing rules and online social networking, find one example (you can use pictures or videos as supporting materials) that appropriately represents the importance of online media in marketing/ as a successful case using online media in marketing.

While many ads are coming at consumers everyday, it is obvious some do it better than others. Some believe in different marketing techniques to reach the consumers, which some work out better than others. A company that I believe appropriately represents the importance of online media in marketing is Udi's Gluten Free Foods. Once you 'like' the page, they release about one or two things daily that are helpful hints to someone living gluten free. They do not over do the amount of posts they share, so I will not skip over them because I know they are more than just posts to be 'post'. Udi also does a great job in the context of the posts they make. One post is usually a question getting their community involved while the other is helpful tips or recipes. The posts also always have links to the Udi website, bringing more views and consumers to the site. I also believe pictures are a great way to get marketing products sold, which is what they also add in almost every post. Person to person/word of mouth is a marketing tool we discussed in an early module, and Udi uses this. They are always asking the community why they like certain products or what is a favorite product they use. Udi isn't a huge company, which could be part of the reason they have such success on Facebook. They also do not currently have a lot of competitors. All in all, I believe Udi really thrives on online media marketing to get out to their consumers because they do not have really any advertisements besides online. And they are doing a great job with it!

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